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Nodes Monitoring Service


The service allow to monitor EVM based blockchain nodes used in your private/public networks and control how the nodes are including blocks.

The plans and limits details can be found here.

RPC Check

Allows to monitor if EVM node RPC api is accessible or not during some period of time. Period can be set from 1 - 30 minutes.

The service is trying to get latest block from node RPC api every 10 secs and if during this period there were not any successfull request, then it will send notification about failed check to your email.

The email about RPC successfull check will be sent if there will be successfull request after notification about failed check.

Latest Block Check

The blockchain nodes are complex tools that sometimes stops to work as expected due to some reason (bugs/not ennough resources/etc...). It could occur that node stops to add new block or adding them not fast enough even if RPC is accessible. Usually the node restart helps to fix that or tuning some node settings.

Our service allows to monitor how fast the node is adding blocks in easy way. It just need to set the period (1 - 30 mins) and minimum amount of blocks included during this period.

The service will recheck latest block from node RPC api and if the amount of included block will be less than expected for that period, then it will send the notification with failed check details to your email.

The notification about success check will be sent once the included blocks amount will be more or equal to the expected value with defained period.

The latest block check period can not be less the RPC check period.


For every node check you can control what notifications (failed or success) need to sent to your email.

The notification emails contains the info about requests sent to your node during the set period.

All the check events (failed or success) with all details are also available in our app for the historical purposes. You can find them in node monitoring edit screen undere the "Events" tab.


Lets say that you have node that requires up to 1 minute downtime for maintanence from time to time and it is expected that it must include new block every 6 seconds (like 10 blocks per minute)

You can setup the folloing monitoring for such node:

RPC Check

  • Period: 2 mins

Latest Block Check

  • Period: 5 mins
  • Min blocks: 40